Pipes acknowledges, sort of, that the problem is Islam. But what difference does it make?

Daniel Pipes provides a useful summary of the many developments on the Muslim front in England recently, namely the official description of Islamic terrorism as anti-Islamic, the legal recognition of polygamous marriages, and the statement by the Archbishop of Deliquescence, Rowan Williams, that sharia law is unavoidable in Britain. Pipes continues:

Williams may be right about the Shari’a being unavoidable, for it is already getting entrenched in the West. A Dutch justice minister announced that “if two-thirds of the Dutch population should want to introduce the Shari’a tomorrow, then the possibility should exist.” A German judge referred to the Koran in a routine divorce case. A parallel Somali gar courts system already exists in Britain….

Even more than the security threat posed by Islamist violence, these trends are challenging and perhaps will change the very nature of Western life.

Meaning that the real danger Islam poses to the West is not terrorism and jihad. The real danger is Islamic law, meaning Islam itself. Which, by the way, entered the West through the West’s non-discriminatory immigration policies. But of course Pipes, who is hopelessly incoherent on the nature of Islam and what to do about it, and whose real attitude is revealed by his weak, passive tone as he predicts that Islam will change the very nature of Western life, will never come right out and admit these things. He will keep dithering on the subject forever, even as the power of Islam in the West continues to grow. And when sharia becomes established in America, he will write another brief, passive, detached column on the subject.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 12, 2008 04:54 PM | Send

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