Is it not over?

Is it possible that, based on Romney’s poor showing on Tuesday, including his failure to win in California, I’ve been too quick to assume the race is over? When Romney said on Tuesday night that he would stay in the race until the convention, that was before the California results came in. But Romney has not changed his position since then, and, according to this story, intends to keep campaigning. If there is any possibility of Romney and Huckabee staying in the race, not just, as Hugh Hewitt proposes, to keep Republican issues front and center and give McCain an opportunity to assure conservatives that he’s a conservative, but in order to deny McCain (who still needs 500 more delegates) the nomination, even if they have little hope of winning it themselves, I devoutly hope they do this. If they stay in, fight in every primary, and hold on to their delegates through the first ballot, maybe, maybe, McCain can be stopped. The nomination of a bad actor like McCain is a political disaster unprecedented in historical memory. Any reasonable possibility, no matter how slight, of stopping him, should be pursued.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 07, 2008 08:25 AM | Send

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