Super Tuesday commentary

Daniel P. writes:

McCain has drawn most of his support from states what will go Democratic in the general election and do nothing for the Republican party aside from possible straddling us with an unacceptable candidate and a sure loser come November.

There should be some means or formula to reduce the influence of such states as well as states with open primaries whether de facto or de jure. Perhaps a formula that would take into consideration how many Republican senators and congressmen as well as how many times it elected Republicans to the electoral college out of the last three presidential races that would be used to pro-rate the population considerations. Alternately, delegates could be assigned based on the number of registered Republicans in a state.

LA replies:

Yes, this is one of the reforms that has been proposed, that states which play a decisive role in the Republican nomination process should be reliable Republican states, so that the nomination will reflect Republican states, not Democratic states.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 06, 2008 01:18 AM | Send

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