The Weekly Standard smears the McCain opponents

Noemie Emery at the Weekly Standard has written one of the most contemptible articles I’ve ever read. She says that the ideological right is filled with a vast, free-floating fury for which it cannot find a target, so it strikes out in every direction, finally settling on McCain. Exactly as in the left’s stock portrayal of the right, Emery portrays the McCain opponents as having no rational reasons for opposing him. She doesn’t mention a single concern of theirs about McCain. She describes them as simply crazy. She thus reflects the Bush-McCain view that any who opposes them is an irrational bigot.

Again, we see how the McCain-Romney standoff has become a recapitulation of the immigration fight last year, when pro-open borders “conservatives” such as Linda Chavez and Michael Gerson, not to mention Sen. McCain, described literally everyone on the other side of the issue as motivated by nothing but hatred. The haters included, inter alia, everyone at National Review.

If McCain wins the nomination, the mentality represented by Emery will be triumphant.

Emery once wrote a very good short biography of Alexander Hamilton. In most of the things of hers I’ve read since then, she has come across as a neocon apparatchik—snotty, enclosed in her own self-regard, and understanding nothing of what lies beyond the precious circle of the neocons.

- end of initial entry -

Ray G. writes:

Michael Medved said yesterday that all the candidates who were strongly against illegal immigration now have their bones bleaching in the sun. Why would someone even say that? What does Medved advocate? Identity theft? Social security fraud? Income tax evasion? All ok if you have a Latino surname?

And the bigger, high level, cultural impact? He has no issue with it at all?


LA replies:

There you have it. That’s the McCain/Weekly Standard consciousness that is now triumphant.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 05, 2008 08:15 PM | Send

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