L-dotters on McCain

Below is a brief selection of comments from this thread.

Reply 50—Posted by: saryden, 2/2/2008 3:32:15 AM

The more I learn about John McCain, the more I feel disgusted.

The more I learn about Mitt Romney, the more I feel hopeful for the future.

Our choice appears to be between three US Senators and a two State Governors.

Only governors have run an economy, a militia, etc. similar to the US.

Huckster’s “fair tax” is a joke, with its monthly prebate mailed to EVERYONE.

Mitt Romney is the man I want to hire as POTUS.

Reply 52—Posted by: ocjim, 2/2/2008 3:55:02 AM

Conservatives relationship to John McCain seems a bit like ”battered wife syndrome” to me. Really, stay with me here…

He beats us up on campaign finance, and the taxcuts, and even breaks a couple bones beating us up on Comprehensive Immigration Reform ranting and calling us names like racists and nativists. Now he swears he is really loves us and is really a Conservative just like us and promises never to beat us up again… He says he now likes the tax cuts and promises to treat us much nicer on Immigration. He sure sounds like a contrite batterer to me…

I don’t trust him and am headed for a shelter.

Reply 53—Posted by: ladychatalie, 2/2/2008 4:16:28 AM

If you want to truly get sick, imagine four years of state of the union speeches given by mccain. There’d be insults, expletives, and self-agrandisement galore. What we are being asked to do is vote for not just a liberal, but a senator of expedience. mccain’s ad is an insult to thinking people. And if someone thinks he can save the republican party or the nation, they need to go to the doctor. there’s meds that can help them get over such extreme delusions. why are we being asked to do this? the excuse is he’s electable. the reality is to follow the money: it’s about illegal alien amnesty and socialism, which mccain is all too happy to cozy up to.

Reply 55—Posted by: ocjim, 2/2/2008 4:41:24 AM

If you enjoyed the Harriet Meiers, Dubai Ports and most of all Comprehensive Immigration Reform fire drills, then you will love a McCain presidency where we have no lives except to constantly spank and threaten McCain with our endless phone calls, emails. Count me out. McCain will be so wrong on so many issues, we’ll wear out our fingers and keyboards trying to keep him in line. Futile. Furthermore, McCain looks to be at least as stubborn as GW. I think McCain would have pushed Harriet and Dubai through, come hell or high water, in all his mean spirited arrogance. Double futile.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2008 03:55 PM | Send

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