Conservatives contra McCain!

Only now, after McCain has won the climactic Florida primary and become the front-runner for the nomination, are the establishment conservatives waking up to reality and coming out against him. Their lateness is extremely regrettable. But better late than never. Check out these hard-hitting columns, and while you’re reading them, ask yourself, if these people have such a poor opinion of McCain, why did they wait until now to tell us about it?

Novak on McCain
Coulter on McCain’s Straight Talk
More Coulter on McCain’s Straight Talk
Mark Levin takes McCain apart.
Michael Reagan on McCain

UPDATE: Ann Coulter, on Hannity and Colmes, says she would vote for Hillary Clinton over McCain.

- end of initial entry -

Randy writes:

I just saw the video of Coultier saying she will support Hillary over McCain. There will no doubt be a lot of discussion on this. I believe what she is saying is that the Democrats, for the most part, are consistent between what they campaign on and what they do once in office. The Republicans are just the opposite. They campaign representing the Republican Party and platform then as soon as they get into office, turn their backs on their party and supporters. They insult our intelligence, lie, and spit in our faces. The best example is George Bush/John McCain’s “This is not an amnesty”.

At least better to vote for someone who is honest with, and loyal to, their supporters and party. We are tired of liars and frauds. Conservatives have compromised far too long and the impending McCain nomination is where it has gotten us. I believe Coultier is telling the Republican establishment that if you are going to have a party representing a set of principles, then have it or just pack up and go home. Get back to your core principles and let the rest know they are NOT WELCOME if they can’t support what we believe.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 31, 2008 10:59 PM | Send

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