Lowry eager for McCain

Now Richard Lowry, whose magazine still officially endorses Romney, is virtually pushing for McCain to win the nomination. He says that if McCain wins in Michigan and South Carolina, which Lowry indicates he expects to happen, “he’s going to be in real good shape a week from tomorrow.” Does Lowry even care how it makes him look when he gratuitously predicts that the main opponent of his own candidate is going to be in “real good shape a week from tomorrow”—meaning that he’s looking forward to seeing his own candidate get knocked out of the race?

Remember that Lowry is the same guy who, on the basis of what a “prominent political reporter” told him, expected Romney—the candidate he supposedly endorses—to come in third in New Hampshire, and that he was “shocked” that Romney got over 30 percent. Lowry and his colleagues then declared McCain, the winner of the oddball New Hampshire primary, the front runner for the nomination and all but abandoned Romney.

It must be very simple to go through life being Richard Lowry. For Lowry, whatever is (or whatever is predicted to be) is what he supports.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 11, 2008 05:44 PM | Send

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