Oklahoma’s anti-illegal alien law

The federal government under Jorge Busheron refuses to protect America from the illegal alien invasion, so states have taken up the slack. The toughest law in the country is Oklahoma’s, Bill 1804, which took effect last November. It is described in USA Today:

The Oklahoma measure is broader than a controversial Arizona law that suspends or revokes business licenses of employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Among other things, 1804 makes it a felony to transport or shelter illegal immigrants. It also denies illegal immigrants driver’s licenses and public benefits such as rental assistance and fuel subsidies.

Many business owners are especially nervous about provisions of 1804 that kick in July 1, when employers with government contracts must start checking new hires against a federal database to make sure they are legally eligible to work. If the employers don’t, they won’t get the contracts.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 11, 2008 10:40 AM | Send

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