The “Godless” debate that wasn’t

A few weeks ago, I was wondering if there had been any discussion in the media about the anti-Darwinian section of Ann Coulter’s Godless, which I think is fantastic and have repeatedly praised. I did a Google search and to my disappointment didn’t come up with anything.

Now Coulter herself explains that happened. In an article about the mainstream media’s treatment of Mike Huckabee, she brings up the media’s treatment of her book:

The media are transfixed by the fact that Huckabee says he doesn’t believe in evolution. Neither do I, for reasons detailed in approximately one-third of my No. 1 New York Times best-selling book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.”

I went on a massive book tour for “Godless” just last year, including a boffo opening interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today,” a one-on-one, full-hour interview with Chris Matthews on “Hardball,” and various other hostile interviews from the organs of establishmentarian opinion.

But I didn’t get a single question from them on the topic of one-third of my book.

If the mainstream media are burning with curiosity about what critics of Darwinism have to say, how about asking me? I can name any number of mathematicians, scientists and authors who have also rejected Darwin’s discredited theory and would be happy to rap with them about it.

But they won’t ask us, because, unlike the cornpone, we won’t immediately collapse under gentle questioning. It’s one thing to be “easily led” by the pope. Huckabee is easily led by Larry King.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 29, 2007 04:02 PM | Send

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