Farah: for Hunter, against Islamo-fascism

Joseph Farah, a strong supporter of Tom Tancredo for president, is very disappointed in Tancredo’s endorsement of Romney. As Farah aptly puts it:

[Tancredo] said he wanted to find a top-tier candidate who was strongest on his pet issue. But, this is the primary season. In the primary season, Americans should pay little attention to the polls and select the very best candidate possible…. That’s why I supported Tancredo in the first place. I didn’t pay attention to the polls. I selected the man I thought would be the best candidate.

Declining to follow Tancredo into the Romney camp, Farah now endorses Duncan Hunter, who he says has the right position and a proven record on illegal immigration, the “threat of Islamo-fascism,” “our cultural meltdown,” the economy, and abortion.

LA complains: when even a chest-thumping, hard-line dude like Joseph Farah uses the ridiculous euphemism “Islamo-fascism,” I’m ready to give up. How can we believe Farah is at all serious about opposing the resurgent threat from the 14-century-old warrior-religion of Muhammad, when he calls on us to oppose, not the actual, spreading power of Islam, but a fictitious entity called Islamo-fascism? Wake up, Mr. Farah.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 29, 2007 03:24 PM | Send

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