Dowd on Billary

Maureen Dowd (linked at sizes up the narcissistic behavior of William Clinton in his wife’s presidential campaign. Dowd writes: “When [Hillary] speaks of her ‘experience,’ she is referring not to the Senate but to the White House, thereby making her campaign a plebiscite on the ’90s.” And since she’s making her husband’s presidency the basis of her candidacy, how can she complain about her husband constantly putting himself front and center? Dowd concludes that a Hillary presidency would be a non-stop soap opera.

Dowd’s observations bring another thought into focus. In 2000 Hillary illegitimately used her position as First Lady to get herself elected to the U.S. Senate, in order to gain the requisite political experience to run for president. But now that she’s had seven years in the U.S. Senate, she’s running for president based on her political experience—as First Lady.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 23, 2007 04:06 PM | Send

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