Why Paul is disqualified for the presidency

Be sure to see Jonathan L.’s magnificent summing up of the case against Ron Paul.

By the way, if Paul supporters are unhappy with the increasing criticism of Paul appearing at this website, they have only themselves to blame. As I’ve explained several times, I simply was not interested in Paul, I had tuned him out long ago because of the various paleo-lib type statements I had heard from him, and so I had not focused on his candidacy. But Paul supporters constantly pushed me to support him or at least write more about him, which led to the current discussions. They could have saved their energy. As I point out in the linked entry, I’ve been a confirmed anti-Rockwellite for many years; did they seriously expect me to endorse a Rockwellite for president?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 23, 2007 01:20 PM | Send

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