What shall I render unto “Render”?

Several days ago a reader told me about an amazingly stupid and fantastical attack on me by “Render,” a commenter at Little Green Footballs who has aimed wild shots at me before. The comment appears in yet another thread in Charles Johnsons’ ongoing war against Vlaams Belang and its allies. I didn’t get around to replying to Render’s comment, and probably won’t. I wonder if it’s worth getting posting privileges at LGF to correct such nonsense, or if Johnson would even allow me to do so.

- end of initial entry -

Henry the Horse writes:

“… if it’s worth getting posting privileges at LGF…”

My advice: Don’t do it; they live in a bunker, and you won’t change a single opinion. All of the fleas have already left the rotting corpus.

I posted there maybe twice, will not again, and haven’t even looked at the blog since the whole VB thing.

Dean E. writes:

You asked, “I wonder if it’s worth getting posting privileges at LGF to correct such nonsense…”

Oh no-no-no. “Render” ‘s half-witted slander is a fair example of the mindless nazi/racist witch-hunt currently running amok at LGF. If you think a reply is warranted do it at VFR, but don’t dignify such nonsense and waste your time by posting it at LGF. That site is not for the serious discussion of ideas. It’s best as a lens for focusing popular right-liberal animosities at the approved demon-de-jour, usually leftist lunatics and Muslim malefactors, generating lots of heat—some of it quite funny and apropos—but little light. Lately it’s half-bright bulb has been brought to bear on the supposed evil of European people wishing to preserve their traditional culture—the nerve of those wicked racist crypto nazi Euro-scum!

Flyboy writes:

Re your recent “interest” in Little Green Footballs and their battle with Gates of Vienna over the Brussels CounterJihad conference in October.

See these posts at Vigilant Freedom and Gates of Vienna for the final salutes from our side. We are now leaving LGF behind us and may the Internet cyber-records provide material for the truthseekers in the future.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 13, 2007 01:16 PM | Send

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