The emerging deadly split in the West

Charles Johnson has found the smoking gun! (Or have I said that before?) And guess what it is? It’s another photo. Two photos actually. One is of David Duke wearing a sweatshirt on which there is a white circle with a cross through it. The other is the photo of that famous bookend on Filip Dewinter’s bookshelf, also a circle with a cross through it. Ergo, Dewinter is an ideological ally of Duke, one of the major Jew haters in the world.

Don’t Charles and his Charles-bots think that something more, uh, substantive than this is required to establish that Filip Dewinter and David Duke have the same beliefs? Nope.

Also, in the same thread there is a poster named Render who has it in for yours truly. I’m not recommending you read him because he’s too stupid, but if you’re interested, his exchange with Andrew2, who takes my side, begins at comment #634 and reaches its culmination at comment #678. Render sounds like a hysterical 13 year old and probably is one. For example, he doesn’t know the difference between an opinion he disagrees with and a “lie.” His statements about me, Jared Taylor and David Duke (e.g. that Duke told Taylor to cut me off!) are like something conceived in a fun house, bearing no relationship to reality at all.

I’ve often written about the mindlessness that has gripped mainstream conservatism in the Bush years. At Little Green Footballs that mindlessness has gone to a staggering and disturbing extreme. Yet, despite the sub-normal level of most of the discussion, it strikes me that something serious is going on in the LFG attack on Vlaams Belang and its defenders. Two forces, developing in the West over the last several decades, are coming into direct collision. On one side is the increasing recognition that the West’s existence is in danger, and that inseparable from that threat is the threat to the white peoples who created the West and whose existence as peoples has historically been co-extensive with the West. On the other hand are mainstream conservatives who are worried about Islam, but who believe that any person who cares about the well-being of the white West—even if he is pro-Israel and pro-Jewish—is the moral equivalent of a Nazi. From this point of view, it doesn’t matter if pro-white conservatives (such as the AR subscribers who complained to Jared Taylor after his disastrous 2006 conference) distance themselves in a principled way from Nazi-types and anti-Semites. The fact that they care about the white race makes them spiritual brothers of David Duke.

If the West is to survive, this split within the West must be ended or reduced. On one hand, race-conscious conservatives must eschew anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism—which many of them already do. On the other hand, race-blind conservatives must tolerate race-conscious conservatives who eschew anti-Semitism. But if the race-blind conservatives continue to demonize those who have a normal concern about the survival of the historic Western peoples and their cultures, that moral struggle will so consume conservatives that no energy will be left to defend the West from its external enemies.

Every time Islam has defeated the West, it was enabled to do so by divisions within the West.

* * *

To clarify the above account, there has been a shift at LGF. Formerly Johnson and his followers insisted that Filip Dewinter and Vlaams Belang were anti-Semitic. Now at least some of them seem to have dropped that idea, but, instead of embracing Vlaams Belang, they are now saying that even if Vlaams Belang is not anti-Semitic but is philo-Semitic and pro-Israel, its belief in historic European peoplehood still makes it Nazi-like and excludable from the anti-jihad coalition.

- end of initial entry -

Terry Morris writes:

Yes; you’ve said it before. You’re probably going to have to start numbering Johnson’s smoking guns—Smoking Gun 1, Smoking Gun 2 …. Since these photos constitute to Johnson’s mind the smoking gun, and he seems so hell-bent on finding them, he’s likely to find several more of them before it’s all said and done. Hence the need for a number system to catalog them.

You wrote:

“…they are now saying that even if Vlaams Belang is not anti-Semitic but is philo-Semitic and pro-Israel, its belief in historic European peoplehood still makes it Nazi-like and excludable from the anti-jihad coalition.”

“They” means the commenters, right? You’re not referring to Johnson himself; or is he part of this new LGF consensus? I ask because a few days ago you wrote about Johnson saying that he was never a part of the anti-jihad coalition. If he was never a part of it, and is no part of it, then where does he get off even tacitly approving of his site, which has his name written all over it, being used by his followers to make determinations on who should or shouldn’t be part of the (official) anti-jihad coalition?

Also, I can hardly believe someone can take your side over at LGF without being banned.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 26, 2007 09:08 PM | Send

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