Who’s out of step with whom?

Amazing. For the last year, as the boys at National Review have been consistently positive about Giuliani, I have just as consistently, in post after post, been arguing that the man is totally inappropriate as a possible Republican standard bearer and president. I have also repeatedly said that on balance Romney is the most talented and promising of the GOP candidates.

Yesterday, National Review endorsed Romney.

I should be happy, right?

Ahh, but it’s more complicated than that. Ironically, on the very day that NR endorsed Romney, virtually within the hour of its doing so (4:02 p.m. Eastern time), I indicated in a comment (at about 2:30 p.m. Eastern time) that because of Romney’s participation in the Univision Spanish language debate this past weekend, it would be very difficult for me to support him for president.

I guess that’s my fate. Always out of step with others … Or others are always out of step with me.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2007 01:50 AM | Send

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