“A Requiem for Friendship”

I haven’t read it yet, but there is an article in Touchstone magazine on a troubling but rarely discussed reality of our time: that the acceptance of homosexuality is ruining male friendship. As Gintas J., who sent me the article, comments, “Any friendships between men—past, present, and future—will carry the corrupt insinuation of homosexuality.”

Isn’t it amazing how liberals, who normalized homosexuality and said that to have any negative views about it was bigotry, are the same people who relentlessly cast aspersions on living and historical persons as homosexual? If liberals believe that homosexuality is perfectly ok and that people’s private sex lives should be sealed off from any critical prying eye, why do liberals repeatedly claim that various historical figures, who no one ever previously thought were homosexual, were homosexual, a charge that is made with the obvious intent and relish of dragging down that historical figure in our eyes?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2007 08:28 PM | Send

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