Oxford innundated by immigrants

Jeff in England wrote recently:

I went out walking in Oxford today. Need I say again that I hardly recognise parts of Oxford as England in the sense that I knew it. The Oxford which the English people and the English culture, with very small amounts of immigration (other than from other parts of the UK) over the centuries, made into one of the world’s great intellectual centres (spelled the English way).

Instead, I saw dozens of Asian men in pajamas, some Asian women in full veils with their children all who seemed not to speak any English at all walking side by side with baggy trousered hung over looking white male students and tarty white student girls obsessively chatting away on their mobile phones (probably about the male students). There was a real sense of mediocrity in the air (mediocrity is something one can smell) and little sign of any intellectual conversation.

The Pakistani Muslims seemed to be walking around without any sense of remorse (I am a great remorse spotter!) that they had come in huge numbers and were now overwhelming and in effect destroying a culture that far surpassed their own countries’ cultures. Or in the case of those people born here, the countries and cultures of their parents or grandparents. The English in Oxford worked and struggled for 2000 years to build an amazing town and culture which the Pakistanis and other immigrants are now inheriting because of our absurd immigration laws.

Yes many immigrants work ‘hard’ so why can’t they work hard to build their own countries into something better. Why must they take over our country and culture? Why indeed! They saw something good and like a baby wanting candy grabbed it. And we didn’t stop them, we even encouraged them. Ridiculous.

Imagine if we showed up in such huge numbers in Pakistan or Poland or Iran or Nigeria? We’d be deported or even shot. I’d love to hear one Pakistani Muslim or Eastern European or Iranian or African immigrant say sorry we are overwhelming your culture with such numbers, we just thought it was a better culture than ours so decided to take it over via immigration.

No, you’ll never hear that. Instead you might hear how oppressive and racist and Islamophobic and decadent we are. Not that they will return to their countries of origin even if we would truly be horrible to them. We are too materially prosperous, we have too much freedom and creativity and our girls are too sexy for them to contemplate leaving. Blow parts of it up maybe but go back to Pakistan or Afghanistan or Poland or Romania or Somalia or Nigeria, never.

Fair is a term that doesn’t come into it. As a child, I used to build sand castles on the beach working hard to make something special. My cousin refused to help me. But when it was complete he would come over and want to play in it. “Not fair” I cried. But our parents backed him time and time again. I worked for hours so he could come over in a minute and declare that it was his as well.

Ditto the situation with immigrants now. Why should people from cultures which haven’t given a fraction to the world of what we given come over and be considered one of us within five minutes. And then walk around as if they haven’t left the third world. Or the fourth. When in Rome do as the Pakistanis do. Or the Somalians. Or the Romanians.

Speaking of Romanians there were literally seven or eight women with tiny babies in their arms who begged for money from me as I walked along today. When I say beg I mean they came up to me and grabbed my arm etc. They work for a pimp, everyone knows that but they try and find naive people who don’t know it is a racket. At least they are not mugging and robbing like many other immigrants are, often in gangs. Or driving recklessly as they do in their own countries. Many drive here without a license.

I’ve often said that many immigrants are nice people on a personal level and I stick by that view. I’ve often said that many immigrants are just trying to live a decent life. I stick by that view as well.

But that’s NOT the point. The point is that foreign peoples coming in such numbers, no matter how nice and decent and hard working they might be (and a sizeable minority are not any of those) are bound to change irrevocably the nature of the whole country and its culture. Some immigration may be good for England and the rest of the UK. Immigration on the present scale can only destroy it.

- end of initial entry -

Jeff In England writes:

Thanks for posting this.

I went to London for the day today. Ironically it was the amount of Eastern Europeans that was really noticeable in the area I was in. They are everywhere. None of them seems to be speaking English. A girl from one group of Eastern Europeans (Romanians?) started chasing and kicking the pigeons who were scrounging for food. In the past I have immediately said something, but this time I didn’t, as the men surrounding her were rough looking.

This was an example of cultural difference: very few English people kick or chase animals. In fact the English love animals. I wonder what UK dogs think of the prospect of living in an Eastern European or Islamic. Britain.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2007 08:20 PM | Send

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