The Swiss People’s Party

Jeremy G. writes:

Take a look at the heartening statements from some of the nationalists of the Swiss Peoples’ Party in Switzerland.

The Swiss Peoples’ Party runs an explicitly racialist campaign and doesn’t back down one inch when under fire.

I lived for a year in Switzerland four years ago, and visited the country recently. French-speaking friends who were pie-in-the-sky liberals four years ago have now become devoted Blocher supporters (they are very emotional about their support for him). I was able to have openly racialist conversations with some of them. They are scared to death of what the left is bringing to Europe. I was amazed at the change in the national mood that had taken place since I departed from Switzerland when even some liberal minded French speakers have begun to question the ideas of the left. The fact that the SVP campaign seems to be working well and they are projected to obtain nearly 30 percent of the vote speaks volumes about the national mood in the country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 16, 2007 10:48 AM | Send

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