Party in Switzerland makes white racial appeal

In the current election campaign in Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), the leading party in the Swiss parliament and and a member of the ruling coalition, is using an openly racial appeal against nonwhite immigration. Writing in the and the , veteran reporter Elaine Sciolino describes the SVP as an “extreme-right party,” while informing us that “More than 20 percent of Swiss inhabitants are foreign nationals.”

This article is all about a poster, yet the NYT doesn’t show us the poster, and they call the SVP (Switzerland’s largest political party), the “extreme” right wing party. As far as I can see, much of the European press simply calls it a “right wing” party or the nationalist party. They did the same thing recently when they described Belgium’s Vlaams Blok as “extreme” right wing.

We could tell immigrants that a condition of the green card is the acceptance of the responsibility for their children’s crimes. If they don’t like that condition, they are free not to enter the country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 08, 2007 12:32 PM | Send

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