More on Ali leaving U.S.

Hugh Fitzgerald repeats at Jihad Watch his comment about Hirsi Ali that appeared earlier in the week at New English Review, but unlike at NER, this has a long discussion following it.

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Gintas J. writes:

To read Hugh Fitzgerald, Ali leaving is the Gotterdammerung. She didn’t have to fly back to the Netherlands, she walked.

So Ayyan Hirsi Ali, brilliant and beautiful, who should have been on talk-shows, who should have met with Congressional leaders, who should have addressed audiences of generals and other officers at the Pentagon, who should have met with Bush and the National Security staff and the upper (and lower) echelons of the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., who should have met with the Clintons and Barack Obama and all the other Democratic candidates, who should have addressed the Senate, instead was denied what she needed—a life-and-death matter for her—that security detail. And not a billionaire in America, now busily organizing to “support the Iraq war effort,” not a single person in the Pentagon or in the Executive Branch or in Congress or in the media, appears to have taken note and demanded that she be protected. And not just she, but all others who have proven themselves to be articulate enough to be valuable, or invaluable, in the real war effort.

What he is saying is more fanciful than what could happen in a Frank Capra movie, he sounds downright besotted.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2007 04:06 PM | Send

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