An anti-Jihad graphic novel

Bosch Fawstin writes:

Hello. I’m a graphic novelist who’s working on a counter-jihad graphic novel titled The Infidel, featuring Pigman, a ruthless, counter-jihad superhero. The Infidel is about two American twin brothers from a Muslim background who have absolute opposite responses to 9/11. One becomes a counter-jihad cartoonist and the other becomes a born-again Muslim who goes jihad, and their choices force them to come head to head with one another. I will begin releasing the book in chapters at the end of the fall. Robert Spencer posted on it about a week ago. And I just did an interview on it with Shire Network News. For a good look at Pigman, check out my online store.

- end of initial entry -

LA to BF:

Thanks, I’m posting this, but isn’t Pigman an off-putting name for your hero?

BF replies:

The name Pigman itself is an attack on the enemy. He is taking their irrational fear and loathing of the pig, their Pigotry, and giving them a reason for it. And I was thinking of what kind of effect his name would have on them. He also wears pigskin leather mask, gloves, belt and boots to push it further. This is not a pre-existing character I’m throwing at the enemy, he was Born to Fight Jihad, having survived a Beslan-type atrocity when he was a boy. Believe me, after referring to him as Pigman, I went through a long list of names for him, until I decided on the simple, direct Pigman.

Also, I must make it clear that Pigman is the comic book character. Within the graphic novel dealing with the twin American brothers who come from a Muslim background, who have absolutely opposite responses to 9/11, one become a counter-jihad cartoonist who creates Pigman, and the other brother becoming a born again Muslim who goes jihad.

LA to BF:
Thanks, I’m posting this, but isn’t Pigman an off-putting name for your hero?

BF replies:

The name Pigman itself is an attack on the enemy. He is taking their irrational fear and loathing of the pig, their Pigotry, and giving them a reason for it. And I was thinking of what kind of effect his name would have on them. He also wears pigskin leather mask, gloves, belt and boots to push it further. This is not a pre-existing character I’m throwing at the enemy, he was Born to Fight Jihad, having survived a Beslan-type atrocity when he was a boy. Believe me, after referring to him as Pigman, I went through a long list of names for him, until I decided on the simple, direct Pigman.

Also, I must make it clear that Pigman is the comic book character. Within the graphic novel dealing with the twin American brothers who come from a Muslim background, who have absolutely opposite responses to 9/11, one become a counter-jihad cartoonist who creates Pigman, and the other brother becoming a born again Muslim who goes jihad.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 27, 2007 09:16 AM | Send

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