Advice to our British cousins: stop looking over your shoulders!

Minette Marrin in the London Times expands on Britain’s immigration disaster, and the continued suppression of any real debate about it. I don’t want to criticize Marrin, as she’s one of the better British columnists on the subject, but she sounds as though she is begging for the right to speak about it. Thus, after making a final critical point on immigration, she ends the article: “I hope that isn’t a thoughtcrime.”

Even if that comment was meant ironically, it’s pathetic. Miss Marrin, If YOU want to speak about the issue, then SPEAK about it. Then other people will be encouraged to speak too, and the boundaries of what is allowed to be said will expand. But if you act as though you have no right to criticize current immigration policies, looking over your shoulder, then you’re spreading the same anxiety to others.

I am sorry to sound unpleasant, but I am truly fed up with the wimpiness of the Brits. I want to see some life over there.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 24, 2007 10:48 PM | Send

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