The call for “love” which is really an expression of hate

Mark Steyn does his usual thing, going after the endlessly easy target of left-wing insanity. But in this case his target really is enough to make your jaw drop. Listening on his car radio, Steyn heard Massachusetts governor and former Clintonite Deval Patrick saying, in his official address at a 9/11 commemoration ceremony, that 9/11 “was a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the United States.” Steyn continues:

“Mean and nasty”? He sounds like an oversensitive waiter complaining that John Kerry’s sent back the aubergine coulis again. But evidently that’s what passes for tough talk in Massachusetts these days—the shot heard around the world and so forth. Anyway, Gov. Patrick didn’t want to leave the crowd with all that macho cowboy rhetoric ringing in their ears, so he moved on to the nub of his speech: 9-11, he continued, “was also a failure of human beings to understand each other, to learn to love each other.”

What do I mean when I say that Patrick is really expressing hate? Only a person who hates his own country would say that the jihadists’ attack on his country was the result of his country’s failure to love them.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 20, 2007 10:21 AM | Send

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