West 43rd Street for Rudy

Pravda on the Hudson hated Giuliani all through his mayoralty, portraying him, in hysterical, wounded terms, as a fascist bully and the ultimate meany. Now Pravda on the Hudson Magazine runs a big story by Matt Bai pushing Giuliani for the Republican nomination and rejoicing in the fact that despite his social liberalism and tainted family life he is still leading the GOP polls. Pravda obviously supports Rudy for the same reason that genuine conservatives oppose him: he is the incarnation of anti-family values, whose nomination and presidency would destroy the GOP as vehicle of social conservatism. If Giuliani is the nominee, then either way the election goes, Pravda wins. But I do not regard his nomination as at all inevitable, despite his current lead in the polls.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 08, 2007 07:40 AM | Send

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