Rudy’s brilliant (immigration) career, cont.

Mark Krikorian takes apart Giuliani’s nothing immigration proposals. Compare to Richard Lowry’s approval of Giuliani’s nothing foreign policy.

And guess what Giuliani said in 1996 would happen if the City had to hand names of illegal aliens to the INS? (I’ve referenced this before, but this is the full quote.)

“The Immigration and Naturalization Service will do nothing with those names but terrorize people.”

He said that, three years after Muslim terrorists, at least two of them illegal aliens, set off a car bomb at the World Trade Center intended to topple one tower into the other killing tens of thousands of people.

Also, see where Giuliani sued against a federal immigration law because it discriminated against illegal aliens. That’s right. He said the law “discriminates unfairly and invidiously based on their immigration status.”

Who said presidential campaigns are of no value?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 18, 2007 03:45 PM | Send

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