The prematurely senescent Fred Barnes (mindless cheerleading for Bush will do that to you)

In the open-borders, democratize-the-world-for-American-greatness magazine of which he is the managing editor, Fred Barnes writes about the resignation of Karl Rove:

“Rove is the greatest political mind of his generation and probably of any generation.”

Wow: Rove is greater than Madison. Greater than Hamilton. Greater than Locke. Greater than Hobbes. Greater than Machiavelli. Greater than Plato. The list just goes on and on.

That Barnes said this is not surprising. For anyone who follows the neocons’ writings, it is evident that, in their minds, neoconservatism (along with its adjuncts such as the Bush administration) is the world. For the neocons, there is no world and no history outside neoconservatism. For example, they believe that America began as a neocon country that had no culture or peoplehood but was based solely on the belief in universal democracy. Similarly, they believe that almost all Muslims share neocon ideals and are just waiting for neocon America to come and free them from that minority of terrorist dead-enders who are keeping the Muslim community from fulfilling its neocon dreams. Since, for the neocons, there is no reality outside neoconservatism, it is to be expected that they will see the top political advisor of the president they support as the greatest political mind that’s ever lived.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 18, 2007 01:42 PM | Send

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