More on the failure to evacuate the South Tower

In this entry, I argued that the failure of a great number of people to leave the South Tower of the World Trade Center as soon as the North Tower was hit and on fire, with people leaping to their death from a thousand feet in the air in full view of the people in the South Tower, showed some ineluctable complacency in human nature, from which I drew the lesson that our society will never wake up to the danger of Islam until it is too late. A further comment by a British reader suggests that the failure I’m talking about was not in the souls of individual people, but in the souls of the authorities from whom the people naturally take their promptings. The discussion then veers in the direction of the man who was leading New York City on September 11, and who now wants to lead the country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 05, 2007 08:03 AM | Send

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