Keeping Iraq in perspective

Following the withdrawal of the main Sunni faction from the Iraq government, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says we underestimated the depth of the divisions between Sunni and Shi’ite in Iraq.

Now, now, Mr. Gates, we have to keep things in perspective. Secretary of State Rice, who has a deep understanding of these issues, can help you. For example, she will point out to you how long it took the 13 American states to get over their deep divisions, which were so much like those between the Sunnis and Shia, and consent to be under the same government. It took 12 years! Furthermore, after 218 years under the Constitution, blacks are still kept from full participation in our government. Yet we’ve only been building democracy in Iraq for four! So, stop your whining, gird your loins like a man, and figure out a military deployment plan by which we can occupy Iraq for the next 214 years.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 05, 2007 01:11 AM | Send

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