Hillary, the enabler of Bill, and Rich Lowry, the enabler of Hillary

Spencer Warren writes:

Hillary Clinton is a moral accessory to her husband’s rape of Juanita Broaddrick. In her interview with NBC’s Lisa Meyers, Broaddrick stated that Mrs. C. later tacitly threatened her at a gathering that she had better keep quiet about the crime committed against her.

LA replies:

Yes, I remember it all.

If we were still America, the press would keep questioning her on her record, questions she has never had to answer. A reporter would say to her, “Sen. Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick told Lisa Meyers on NBC in 1999 that in 1978, two weeks after your husband had assaulted and raped her, you spoke to her in a clearly intimidating way thanking her for ‘all the things’ she had done for your husband. Is that true?”

Meanwhile Richard Lowry, author of “Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years,” writes a column saying that Hillary, who has spent her entire public career evading the press and being allowed by the press to evade the press, is “ready for the presidency.” Thus he gives her a clean bill of health on her entire career of lies and coverups.

Spencer Warren replies:

She and her “husband” represent the nadir of politics and the moral decadence of our age, and Lowry terms her qualified to be president! How would he know—he is not qualified to be a commentator on politics.

LA replies:

During Andrew Jackson’s presidency, the ladies of Washington, D.C. refused to socialize with Peggy Eaton, the wife of the Secretary of War John Eaton, because there was suspicion that she had been unfaithful to her first husband.

Today the editor of the “conservative” National Review says that a woman who is plausibly accused of intimidating into silence a woman her husband had raped—a woman whose story of being raped all conservatives said was credible at the time she told her story on tv in 1999—is ready to be president.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 30, 2007 12:37 PM | Send

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