What do Brits want? (Freud’s question updated for our time)

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, interviewed by Sarah Baxter in the London Times, speaks the kind of frank and truthful language rarely heard from the elites on either side of the Atlantic nowadays:

“If the Brown government wants to be more European than Atlanticist, let’s hear it. If they would rather not have a special relationship, let’s hear it.” And then comes the zinger: “If they want to be a part of Europe in the same way as Belgium and Luxembourg, let’s hear it.”

Bolton believes Britain must face the question: “Do you want to be an independent country or a county in a big Europe?” The way he tells it is guaranteed to offend our national pride, but you can’t say he hasn’t warned us. “If Britain wants to be subsumed into the European soup, the United States will have to react accordingly—and we will, make no mistake.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 22, 2007 09:51 PM | Send

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