Letter to a British “cousin”

VFR reader Paul Henri of New Orleans, who was a very active telephone caller to the Senate during the recent battle over the immigration bill, sent this e-mail to Gerard Baker of the London Times in response to Baker’s hateful attack on the American people over the defeat of the bill.

Dear Mr. Baker:

As a first cousin, I am disappointed you loathe me or my behavior. I really like you and expect great things from you such as cryptology (Alan Turing), steam catapults, armored decks, and angled decks. I expect the reason for the loathing is fear and jealously because I cannot think of anything I have done to demean you. I have no clue why you fear me, but I can easily see why you might be jealous of me. I am part of the most powerful nation on earth. We replaced Britain.

Maybe my experience will help us to get back together. I am also part of the South, which lost the U.S. Civil War. My culture is still being belittled by liberalism even though we beat the pants off of the Yankees until attrition by superior numbers wore us out. But I don’t hold it against the U.S. I remain a proud Southerner loyal to the U.S. The U.S. is not liberalism just as Britain is not the Labour Party. So let me urge you to be a proud Brit with a friendly affection for the U.S.


Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 22, 2007 01:04 PM | Send

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