President Giuliani contra terror: a preview

Michael Jose writes:

… the GOP pundits support Giuliani, based on the idea that he will be “tough on terror”…

LA replies:

Giuliani has never laid out any specific policy that would lead one to think so. Everyone is just projecting onto him their fantasies. Because he was tough on crime in New York, therefore he will be tough on terror. There’s no reason the one should translate to the other. Americans don’t think, they use syllogisms unconnected with reality.

In any case, the take on Giuliani is that he will be like Bush, only more so.

In that case, we need to ask, what is Bush like? Answer: (1) Big arrogant obnoxious rhetoric about global democracy and “fighting a war on terror,” combined with (2) accommodation to actual terrorists. (In the latest development, it turns out that Rice has been referring to Hamas as a “resistance group,” meaning she is legitimizing them).

So, if Giuliani will be like Bush, only more so, we can expect him to have (1) even more arrogant obnoxious rhetoric about global democracy and “fighting a war on terror,” combined with (2) even more accommodation to actual terrorists.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 27, 2007 12:36 AM | Send

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