Bush becomes ill after immigration bill is shot down

Consider the following:

  • Item: The Comprehensive National Suicide Act, the initiative into which George W. Bush has put more passion than any other issue of his presidency (“This is a very personal issue for me,” he keeps telling reporters), was stopped cold Thursday night when the Senate refused to invoke cloture and bring the bill to a vote.

  • Item: According to Wikipedia, George W. Bush is a teetotaler, a total abstainer from alcohol.

  • Item: Bush was photographed drinking beer at the G8 Summit. (Scroll down to poster 13 at the FreeRepublic link.)

  • Item: Reuters reports that Bush was taken ill at the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany on Friday but that it’s “not serious.”

  • Item: A French news website reports that Bush suffered from a light indisposition of the stomach Friday morning (“souffrait vendredi matin d’une legere indisposition de l’estomac”) at the G-8 summit .

Conclusion: Right after his pet plan to bust America so wide open it could never be put back together again was stopped in its tracks, Bush either went off the wagon and began drinking, and then got sick, or he began drinking non-alcoholic beer, and then got sick.

Either way, immediately after the defeat of his precious plan to destroy America, he got sick.

Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

Let’s just say that if Bush did get sick as a dog over the failure of his plot against America, I would not feel bad for him.

- end of initial entry -

John Hagan writes:

You really hit on something here. Even if Bush was drinking non-alcoholic beer he still seems to have had some kind of reaction last night that incapacitated him today. Perhaps some kind of psychosomatic reaction to the defeat of his most cherished wish of amnesty.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 08, 2007 04:57 AM | Send

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