Flash! New York Sun discovers immigration debate!

As I noted a week ago:

…today’s Sun had nothing about the extraordinary debate swirling around the bill and the qualms and outrage that even open-borders proponents are expressing about it. It’s clear that the neocon Sun favors the bill and therefore is automatically downplaying any setbacks the bill is suffering. The Sun, in short, is engaging in news censorship.

The Sun’s silence continued until today, when it ran this headline:

Bush Lashes Out at Immigration Plan Critics

The story, reprinted from the Washington Post and written by Peter Baker, reports that according to President Bush the opponents are distorting the immigration deal; that they are playing on the politics of fear to undermine public support; and that, in the president’s words, they “haven’t read the bill”; they engage in “empty political rhetoric”; they “don’t want to do what’s right for America”; they “pick out one little aspect out of it” to complain about; and they “use it to frighten people.”

I’m so glad that, with so many dishonest and nonsensical things being said about the immigration bill, the Sun finally found something in the debate that was worth reporting.

And now get the Sun-Post’s description of the bill’s provisions:

The proposal would beef up enforcement with thousands more Border Patrol agents and hundreds of miles of more fencing along the line with Mexico. After that has been accomplished, in an estimated 18 months, the legislation would introduce a guest-worker program, allowing some immigrants into the country temporarily, and create a process providing many of the 12 million illegal immigrants already here a chance to earn legal residency if they pay back taxes and penalties, pass criminal background checks, and return first to their country of origin.

The description includes not the slightest reference to the fact that virtually all illegals that apply for legalization would be legalized as soon as the law is passed.

Such is the “reporting” that the New York Sun considers worthwhile. It is, as Hamlet said to the courtiers Rosenkranz and Guildenstern, as easy as lying.

Even a hard-line neocon like Charles Krauthammer opposes this egregious bill. Yet the Sun remains so subservient to Bush that it eagerly plays the role of his Pravda.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 30, 2007 08:20 PM | Send

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