Cella on the fall of Constantinople

Paul Cella has an article today at The American Spectator on the terrible day the Eastern Roman Empire fell to the Moslems, May 29, 1453.

This is the first time I can think of that anyone I know has been published in TAS. I tried once, around 1991. The editor then, who is still the editor now, Wladimir “Wlady” Pleszczynski, told me that he would not publish any article criticizing immigration, because he didn’t want to encourage such nasty attitudes in TAS’s readers. The way he said it to me clearly suggested that he felt his own readers had this undercurrent of barely suppressed evil that it was his job to keep suppressed. It was great to know that the people in leadership positions in the “conservative” movement knew where their real responsibilities lay.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2007 12:00 PM | Send

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