Common ground for “conservatives” and liberals: support for the liberal George W. Bush!

“Captain Ed” Morrissey, the brilliant “conservative” blogger who has praised the Brown v. Board decision as a classic instance of constitutional originalism (of course it was a classic instance of just the opposite), approvingly quotes a Richard Cohen piece arguing that President Bush is not a conservative but a liberal, and not just a liberal in his domestic policies, but a liberal in his Iraq policy as well (all of which is true, as VFR has been pointing out for years). Morrissey senses that Cohen is moving toward supporting Bush on Iraq on the basis of Bush’s liberal policy:

Cohen seems to be reaching a conclusion that many Democrats have reluctantly started to grasp; we cannot leave Iraq to the terrorists, and betray the Iraqis and our own values a second time.

If that conclusion means that Bush has to be accepted as a liberal, I’m fine with that.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2007 11:53 AM | Send

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