From Sceptered Isle to Nation of Strangers

Howard Sutherland writes:

The Telegraph reports today on a Trafalgar Square rally, with non-white poster-children, senior Leftists, idiot clerics and addled rockers all in attendance, demanding alien squatters in Great Britain be amnestied and put on a fast-track to British “citizenship.” (I ask again, what ever became of British subjects? Maybe the New Labourites are consciously slighting the Queen with this “citizen” stuff; I wouldn’t put it past them. Why respect a sovereign in London when you want to condition your “citizens”/welfare clients to bow to Brussels—if not Mecca—in the end?)

The agitators’ slogan tells you all you need to know about what they are doing—and makes clear they know they are undoing British Britain and don’t care: “Strangers Into Citizens.” The crowd shot in The Telegraph’s story tells you what this is really about, and is a preview of what London, at least, will soon look like if the Anglo-destructors prevail. Notice the language of the invaders’ sign—England is getting more like America. Not a good thing, necessarily.

Right at the forefront of this nation-destroying initiative we find, right on cue, the unwholesome figure of the liberal Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. If he is as English as his name sounds, he probably really doesn’t give a damn about the undoing of England. What is it about my church these days that we always find senior Catholic bishops front and center advocating the displacement of their own flocks by encroaching aliens? In America, there are too many of them to name, although Roger Mahony heads any list. There are a few worthy exceptions, such as Cardinal Biffi, emeritus Archbishop of Bologna, but they are far too few. I’m afraid Benedict XVI is following his “conservative” predecessor by appointing known liberals and imposing no discipline on them.

To be fair, though, sullying his vestments in this criminal charade right alongside “Cardinal Cormac” we find the Anglican bishop of Southwark, Dr. “Tom” Butler.

Christian clerics of any stripe are supposed to know Bible stories. Have they all forgotten about the Tower of Babel?

To paraphrase Henry II, perhaps the greatest king England ever had, who will rid us of these meddlesome priests?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 08, 2007 10:14 AM | Send

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