New Jersey, home of terrorists

From today’s New York Times:
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP)—Six nationals of the former Yugoslavia were arrested early Tuesday on charges they plotted to attack the Fort Dix Army base and “kill as many soldiers as possible,” federal authorities said…. Five of them lived in Cherry Hill …. The officials said the attack was stopped in the planning stages.

As the reader who sent this story to me asked, what are the odds these six Yugoslavians are Serbs (Orthodox Christians) or Croatians (Catholic Christians)? What are the odds they’re Bosnian Muslims or Kosovar Muslims?

As I wrote in my 2004 FrontPage Magazine article, “How to Defeat Jihad in America”:

The simple fact we must face is that we will continue living under the ever-present fear and reality of domestic terrorism as long as Wahhabi and fundamentalist Moslems continue to reside and move around freely in the United States and other Western countries. Therefore, if we want to eliminate the threat of domestic terrorism, and not just keep dancing around the problem, we must stop talking about assimilating Moslems and start talking about excluding and deporting them instead.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 08, 2007 08:57 AM | Send

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