Tancredo for President

I just saw the entire Tom Tancredo speech at the Iowa Lincoln Day dinner. Fantastic. This man understands the real challenge facing us, which is the threat to our nation and civilization stemming from multiculturalism, uncontrolled immigration, and Islamization. He expresses himself with unstudied eloquence and winning sincerity. Tancredo stands for things and he stands for the right things. There is no one in mainstream politics remotely like him.

David B. writes:

Wouldn’t it be nice if Tom Tancredo were featured on the cover of Time magazine? Mr. Obama, whom you discussed at length, got this treatment. If Rep. Tancredo got half the attention Obama gets, he would win the GOP nomination.

RB writes:

I thought Tancredo gave a very impressive speech—without the stumbling and bumbling that he is sometimes afflicted with. He strikes me as a “regular guy,” not the usual political smoothie or the mindless minion of the corporate globalists like Bush (speaking of slogans and formatory thinking; there is no better exemplar). I don’t agree with Tancredo on everything, but his grasp of the two most critical issues, the two “I”s, immigration and Islam, is far superior to that of the other candidates.

Can Tancredo win? It’s doubtful although miracles can happen. But at least by raising these issues he appears to be leading some of the other candidates to shift their positions.

Spencer Warren writes:

I watched all of Tancredo’s speech and some of the others in their entirety.

T did give a vy good speech, but for a politician he is rather intellectual and doesn’t “click” with his audience. He got some applause and one loud round of applause. But when he invoked “western civilization” I think he drew a blank. He needs coaching on how to be a presidential politician and make a theatrical delivery.

Romney either has had such coaching or doesn’t need it. Although quite slick, he gave, in performance terms, a very compelling speech, which was good on substance as well. All else being equal, he could be a winner because he could attract the Northeast/Midwest suburban vote that a Republican presidential candidate needs to win.

Tommy Thompson also showed his experience as a governor in his delivery. Except his kind of over-the-top phony “sincerity” went out of style about four decades ago, I think. And he was zero on substance.

LA replies:

I attended a large dinner held by a conservative-oriented organization at the Union League Club in New York City a few years ago where Tommy Thompson for some reason had been invited to be the dinner speaker. He was dreadful.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 15, 2007 02:52 PM | Send

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