
A reader who has had many comments posted at VFR writes:

I noticed that my two most recent comments never made it to the comments-section. I understand it is entirely possible that you found them to be lacking in quality. And it is after all your weblog. However, if for some reason my comments are no longer welcome I hope you might inform me.

LA replies:

I’m not aware of not posting anything by you in particular. I don’t post everything that comes in, sometimes because the comment doesn’t make sense to me (I don’t have to agree with it, but I need to feel it’s both reasonable and reasonably understandable), or because it’s too long and wordy, or because (this happens sometimes), so many come in that they slide into the deeper recesses of my Inbox and I lose sight of them, or, on rare occasions, because I feel enough has been said in a given topic and I just let it go. Also I generally don’t post comments that are carping or insulting or just plain clueless, though sometimes I post them in order to draw a lesson from them. (I also leave unposted some comments that praise me.) However, I do post the great majority of comments. If there’s something worthwhile by you that didn’t get posted, please send again.

Please feel completely free to remind me if you feel I should have replied to something or posted something that I haven’t. I often simply forget things.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 29, 2007 12:17 PM | Send

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