Is Obama another Carter?

In an interesting column, John Podhoretz says (as I have said) that Barack Obama has a real chance to win the presidency. He then proceeds to point out the ominous parallels between smiling Jimmy Carter in 1976 and smiling Obama today, the main parallel being that Obama, like Carter, would be a leftist naif unable or unwilling to defend America’s interests in the world. He concludes:

[T]he historical analogy that suggests Obama might make a real go of it next year offers some small reason to fear that we may really be in for it if he follows Carter’s successful path to the White House.

Interestingly, Podhoretz to my knowledge has never said that “we may really be in for it” if Hillary gets to the White House. His book and his many columns on the Hillary candidacy purport to be warning Republicans that she is a serious threat and that they need to muster all their forces and intelligence to stop her. But in reality the actual thrust of his writings on Hillary is not to oppose her but to champion her.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2007 01:30 AM | Send

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