Interesting article about Obama

A few weeks ago the New York Times had an article about Barack Obama’s days as the president of the Harvard Law Review the main thrust of which, I pointed out, was to suggest that Obama was an affable fellow with not much subtance and thus not suited to be president. I concluded from the piece that the Times was pushing Hillary Clinton and wanted to put Obama down.

Curiously, while the Ur-liberal Times dismissed Obama, Carol Platt Liebau, a fellow student and fellow Harvard Review editor of Obama’s writing at, has high praise for him, though she is a conservative.

Whatever we think about his left-wing politics or his race, everything about Obama says he’s a winner. And winners win. I repeat what I said to a friend the first time I saw Obama interviewed at length on tv several months ago: That guy could be president some day.

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Stephen F. writes:

To paraphrase the liberal media, I doubt that America is “ready” for an “African-American” president with a Muslim name. But I felt a kick in the stomach as your entry prompted me to think seriously about the possibility for the first time. Imagine the victory it would be for multiculturalism, leftism, and open borders, and how demoralizing to what remains of white America as an existing cultural entity. It would be a symbolic leap over and ahead of Europe, which is ruled by white radicals, in the march to annihilation: a perverse American “victory.”

(I mean this in terms of what it would symbolize and lead to—not in terms of Obama as a person or in comparison to the other Democratic candidates.)

David H. writes:

I am noticing even among the “right”, not so much a swelling of support, but an undeniable creeping of appreciation for Barak Obama; of course many disagree with his voting record, but there is a genuine appreciation of him, blatantly evident in the article you link. Machiavellian, perhaps? I don’t think so. I believe the affection is honest. When their own Bush has been so desperately awful, I almost feel sympathy for those who reach out toward a shining new face.

I’ll keep my hands in my pockets. Among other destructive, even devastating ideological positions (not the least is his membership in an anti-American “church”), Barak Obama has supported partial birth abortion (earning him a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL at VoteSmart) which to some is no different than infanticide and I personally will never admire a supporter of that barbarity, not in the slightest, not even grudgingly. I am all too aware that the feminization of the West, and the constant pro-abortion propaganda that followed has numbed the great majority to the horror. But while I can engage in civil discourse with a person who is in disagreement over a large number of topics, when it comes to murder, no matter how wide the smile, how soft the voice or how nice he makes us feel for all our faults, I will not grant the slightest legitimacy to a person who lends tacit approval to such acts. Bill Clinton (the true Butcher of the Balkans in addition to his pro-abortion fanaticism), Barbara Boxer, and Barak Obama are three such persons.

As a person of wisdom and thought, and one who I respect, your opinions about Mr. Obama are of interest to me. I know you believe he might win (I share that conclusion; if I weren’t so utterly unsurprised, jaded some might suggest, I’d be terribly disturbed). I know he presents as a pleasant enough fellow. He may not have the harpy-like qualities of the shrill Hillary Clinton, but his soft-spoken demeanor hides no less a dangerous leftist.

It is my (unsolicited I admit) opinion of him that if he believes in most of what he has voted for in the past, he is nothing but a typical leftist miscreant. If not, then he is even worse. His victory celebration would be the death groan of the old America.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 08, 2007 01:45 PM | Send

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