Inside Britain’s mosques

Rick Darby at Reflecting Light sends a link to an Indian website that has an hour’s worth of YouTube clips from the “Dispatches” program showing Muslim preachers in Britain. He discussed it here.

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I wrote to Rick Darby:

You wrote:

“It’s hard to doubt that life has become so awful in the U.K. that most people there would just as soon opt out. Freedom? What a drag. A Muslim dictatorship and sharia law? Bring it on.

“Can this be the country that produced Shakespeare and Johnson and Chesterton and countless other credits to mankind, that gave the lifeblood of many of its citizens to stop Hitler? No. It is not that country.”

Rick, I see you’re feeling it too.

Rick Darby replied:

Thanks. I keep wanting to believe that there is a traditional Britain with its values intact, and we’re getting a distorted picture from the BBC and other media. Even though the media surely aren’t representative of the population as a whole, though, I see little evidence of a serious opposition. I don’t know what to make of the BNP, having never had any direct contact with them, but I suspect there is a strong yobbish element still there, even if they’re cleaner than they used to be. It’s a sad day when traditional British values are only defended by skinheads who’ve toned down their act a little.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 24, 2007 05:14 PM | Send

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