Helprin’s pathetic non-stand on immigration

The “Usual Suspects”—prominent and celebrated Islam critics who warn constantly about the Islamization of the West but don’t propose doing anything serious, such as stopping Muslim immigration, to prevent it—have been frequently discussed here. Regarding the issue of immigration, mainly Hispanic, rather than Muslim immigration per se, Mark Helprin fits the pattern of the Suspects. On one hand, Helprin witheringly attacks the left for its indifference to the effects that Hispanicization may have on America. On the other hand, he takes no position on Hispanic immigration himself, and, worse, when it comes to people who are actually doing something to stop the flood of illegal aliens into this country, he expresses superior contempt for them, as shown in this VFR entry published last May. As I commented at the time, when it comes to immigration, Helprin, the soldier-journalist and man’s man, turns into a snotty elitist.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 11, 2007 11:44 AM | Send

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