A Day in the Death

On the freaky juxtaposition of endemic immorality and criminality, official lawlessness (a.k.a. “tolerance”), and racial diversity that much of Great Britain has become, the Daily Mail is an unending source of shocking information. As told in this article, sent to me by Jeff in England, an illegal immigrant from Zimbabwe got into a relationship with a British woman from Chichester. He very soon became violent, stalked her, captured her, and threatened to murder her. Despite volumes of experience of what happens to white women when they get involved with Third-World men, they just can’t stop, it’s some urge toward self-immolation that seems like the female correlative of our larger collective suicide. In this case, moreover, the woman was no naïve young thing but a 40-year-old with her own business, a sports bra firm called, fittingly enough, Boobytrap. Anyway, the gent from Zimbabwe was jailed and was going to be deported, but then the authorities allowed him to stay in Britain—because deporting him would breach his human rights. It seems that as a former soldier in Zimbabwe he might be in danger if he returned. On grounds like this, the entire Third World could sneak into Britain, claim asylum status, and be set for life. But it didn’t stop there. Not only did the authorities allow him to stay in Britain, they freed him, and now the woman must live under police protection.

Just a day in the death of Great Britain.

- end of initial entry -

From: Jeff in England
Subject: JUST LIKE A (white English) WOMAN

Just a quick followup story, not as sensational as the Daily Mail newstory but revealing nonetheless. I recently met a lovely couple living near me. The woman of the couple told me how her sister had met an Iranian man (Muslim) and fell in love with him. It soon became evident that he was stealing everything he could from her. He also hit her occasionally claiming that Islam required him to discipline his woman (they weren’t married but he still invoked the Koran). It took her ages but she finally plucked up the willpower to leave him. She didn’t tell the police about the stealing.

Luckily she hadn’t had a child with him. She then met a lovely English guy whom she married. Well, she still invited the Iranian guy to the wedding and he flirted with her like crazy but she didn’t tell her new husband. But here’s the crazy thing: the mother (50ish) of the two sisters has the Iranian guy over for dinner once a week. She knows her daughter was stolen from and abused yet she seems not to be able to help herself. It’s a masochism of huge proportions. The other daughter, the one I know, has protested vociferously but nothing will stop the mother from having him over.

White Western women can be extremely masochistic when around certain “ethnic” men. It’s not all ethnic men. Iranians yes. Bangladeshis no. Africans yes. Indians no. Arabs yes. Asians no. It’s obviously the ethnic men who radiate a sexual swagger whom the English women gravitate to. Stereotype but true.

Jeff continues:

Of course (I’ve said this before) there are contradictions. Muslim areas are almost mugging free while black and even white areas are often crime ridden.

I often feel most comfortable in a Muslim area because of that. No crime no drugs and no bad manners. No female breasts to get distracted by! Or faces at times. The kids listen to their teachers and Muslim shopowners are incredibly polite especially compared with the Poles and other Eastern Europeans. If only they weren’t part of a barbaric religion I could quite get used to them! Except the lack of humour. The least funny people on earth even worse than the Chinese if possible.

Fjordman writes:

Regarding Western women, it is actually true that there are more women than men converting to Islam. Islam means submission. Maybe submission is simply sexually and mentally more attractive to women than it is to men?

Robert B. writes:

Concerning Fjordman’s idea that women are more passive then men so they may have an urge to submit. Interestingly enough I have long conversations about female passivity with a female clinical psychologist over the last year. It is her belief that women are far more passive then women and that such passivity, to a large degree, is hard coded.

You therefore see pathological passivity only in cases where abusive behavior is part of the relationship. In such women as that, lack of parental love and nurturing such as would promote a higher sense of self esteem is lacking. This is the result of very young children being left in the hands of strangers at day care centers rather then in the care of a loving and nurturing mother, who is loved and cared for by her husband the child’s father. Said father also loves and cares for the child, but in different ways. It is through watching the mother and father interact that the child then learns how to behave in a relationship. But first, and foremost, the child must be secure in it’s parents love. This is hard to achieve when both parents are away from the infant/toddler for nine to ten hours per day and then only have a very tired mind and body left over for a few hours of nurturing.

Sylvia writes:

This article about a Latvian immigrant to Ireland, Baiba Saulite, who unwittingly married a muslim man and ended up dead for her troubles might interest you. He told her he was Greek Orthodox (after she had expressed reservations about Muslims, not made clear in this article). He only told her he was muslim when her first child was born!

Karen W. writes from England:

What planet is Jeff on? Moslem areas crime free?

Moslem areas have some of the highest crime rates. Moslem youths are heavily involved in gangs, drug dealing, money laundering and all the crime that goes with these things. White people living in Moslem areas (many of them elderly) are often assaulted or abused or robbed for their pension money. The Turkish (Moslem) and Albanian (also Moslem) and Kosovan (also Moslem) gangs are out of control in North London and heavily involved with gun running, prostitution and violent crime. Crime free?? (Of course I have not mentioned honour killings, wife beating etc, etc)

As for manners, the majority of Moslems have none. They are in general very primitive, particularly the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

Another anti white racist attack happened yesterday in Swindon when a 15 year old boy was pinned down and beaten over the head with a hammer in the school tennis court by a gang of Asians calling themselves, appropriately enough, the “Asian Invaders.” Please read this.

Please also note that the boy has been transferred to Frenchay Hospital which is a Neurosurgical centre, although the article does not point this out. And note the BBC’s report which does not make any reference to the race of the perpetrators

Jeff replies:
The Muslim areas which do have increasing amounts of crime seem to be mostly (if not all) those where traditional Islam is breaking down or those whose Islam is fairly secularised to begin with. Now one could say the same for the white and black Christian areas; that crime is high where Christianity is breaking down. But no one would deny that in general, Islam is far less broken down than Christianity and if it is breaking down it is doing so at a very slow pace. And that the continual high level of immigration of practicing orthodox Muslims to the UK insures that traditional Islam stays strong and therefore Muslim violent crime stays far lower than white and black Christian crime. Few would dispute that in relation to mugging crime, first generation Muslim immigrant moral standards are still very high.

It is often when young Muslims choose not to strongly identify as Muslims that they go and commit violent crimes. The young French Muslims who burnt cars and pillaged every nite last year were often not seriously practicing Muslims; when the Imams implored them to stop rioting they mostly didn’t listen. Many of them were far more interested in imitating American hip hop gangster homeboys. Secularised Muslims are more susceptible to committing street crime. I was referring to Muslim areas where Islam and its family values are still strong which are still the majority of Muslim areas.

I have first hand experience of this. Up until recently, I lived in a part Muslim area of Oxford across from the local Mosque. Twice a day huge numbers of Muslims of all ages congregated in the area. Many Muslim youths hung around all day. I can honestly say that I could leave my door open at any time and not worry about getting robbed by any Muslim. Ditto for my white Christian neighbours. We all never had a single problem with Muslim youth crime despite the huge numbers nearby. The crime problem that our street had was due to white and black secularised youths; I had to call the police several times due to their criminal activiites. My white Jewish and Christian friends from other streets also had trouble with black and white youths but never with Muslim youths. As for manners, I again have not had the experience Karen describes. I have not met any Muslims with very bad manners. I live in Oxford and visit London quite often as well. In both cities newish Muslim immigrants are generally very polite wherever you encounter them. Much more than newish Polish immigrants for example. However, in London in particular, I admit that secular leaning Muslim youths can be bad mannered. But they are still a minority. While among whites and black secular youth bad manners are often the case. The more the particular religion is identified with, the better the manners are.

As Islam is identified with in a strong way far more than Christianity is, more Muslims will be better mannered than more non-Muslims. Of course class and money come into the equation. I especially am talking about inner city youth.

As for being primitive, compare the primitive African Muslim immigrant with the street smart black inner city black youth and his/her white counterpart. African immigrants are incredibly polite. Violent crime from them is unheard of. They often are very hard workers. I need not tell Karen how secular black inner city youth behave. Ditto white inner city youth. Give me the primitive Muslim black youth any day. Primitive people in general are often nicer to deal with than less primitive people on a personal level. So as I see it, primitive does not necessarily mean bad. Of course, there is certainly a downside to the primitive Muslim mindset: honour killings, wife beating, female circumcision. In that case I totally condemn the Muslim primitive mindset. But not in regard to mugging and not bad manners, As for the gangs Karen mentions, the ones involved in prostitution, drugs and gun running seem to come from Muslim immigrant cultures which are fairly secularised such as the Turks and Albanians and Kosovans. I haven’t heard of many Arab or Pakistani gangs of the same type here in the UK. I’m not saying there are none but they don’t seem to be as prominent.

However before VFR readers call me a Judas, none of this means I want Muslim culture here in the UK. I am still for zero immigration of Muslims and at least some degree of removal. Islam is a dangerous religion and Muslim culture can sometimes be barbaric and intolerant. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any good points about Muslims as I have pointed out. Karen needs to step back from her reflexive hatred of Muslims and get some perspective. I oppose Muslims coming to the UK but I don’t HATE them in any shape or form. Battle your enemy but don’t hate him/her or he/she has defeated you before you even fight. Hate will always backfire on you. As I have said before I have good Muslim friends. I am meeting one tomorrow. He is from Pakistan and the nicest guy I’ve met in Oxford. He has been incredibly nice to me. However he knows my views on Islamic immigration. He too sees that it has gotten way out of control and feels there should be quotas as well. He feels there are some bad points in the Koran. Truthfully, he is the last person in the world to ever go out and mug somebody, that’s for sure. Ditto for the rest of his family. Ironically he often complains about white street crime which affects the area where he lives.

Maureen replied to Jeff, but also has a fascinating explanation of why Western women fall for Muslim men:

Re Jeff’s comment: “As I have said before I have good Muslim friends. I am meeting one tomorrow. He is from Pakistan and the nicest guy I’ve met in Oxford. He has been incredibly nice to me. “

So Jeff has found a non-criminal Muslim male friend who treats him well. I’m sure Jeff would be the first to agree that one experience does not constitute a principle. That our own intelligent Western males naively buy into the myth of Muslim “decency” to the point of thinking that Muslims can agree to immigration quotas—gives pause. In the case of Jeff’s friend, I would suggest that “taqiya” (lying to allay the infidel’s suspicions) is part of the Muslim religious mindset.

Jeff rather offhandedly refers to Muslim crimes against women to dwell on the “commendable” lack of mugging and property crimes in strict Muslim areas. (Perhaps the sound of swords chopping off hands still reverberates in his neighbors’ memories). As a woman, I am less eager than Jeff to dismiss the crimes against women, because these crimes are central to Islam’s elevation of lying to a virtue.

The reason Muslim or African men can sweep Western women off their feet is that these men profess “undying love.” In other words, they have no scruples about telling the BIG LIE. Most Western men, with their more finely tuned consciences have scruples about telling women the “big lie.” Western men try to temporize with their rule-of-law consciences by saying, “I never said we’d get married; I said I ‘thought’ I was in love,” etc. Non-Christian cultures have no problem lying, especially to women, whom these cultures regard as non-persons. Muslims have no problem marrying, since they never plan to be monogamous. Their religion tells them that God doesn’t want them to be monogamous. And Western women just aren’t aware of these cultural differences or used to this degree of blatant duplicity. Western women are judging these men by centuries of decent Western-Christian male behavior.

Judging by Jeff’s comments, it looks as though the native Brits are busily talking themselves out of facing the problem of Islam. In any case, discussion is moot. The Brits are on their way to being out-bred. In the long run, only “numbers” matter.

Anna F. has a good explanation of why pious Muslims in the West are orderly and secular Muslims are disorderly:

Islam is a system of total control over all aspects of life. In a Muslim country there is always some watchful eye on your activities. The point is that there is no self-imposed discipline or internalized moral compass. In a tribal/control mentality all order is imposed (submit and obey) and power/honor always trumps morality/individual responsibility.

When this mindset arrives in the West, it truly flounders in freedom. Freedom to this mind means simply I now have the power to do whatever I can get away with. When Muslims in the West are operating within their tightly closed communities, they function as “good” Muslims; when they step outside, with no internal moral principles to guide them, they are adrift in a vacuum, where power is the only morality.

As Jeff commented, Islam is identified with in a strong way far more than Christianity. Class and money, though, are not relevant in this discussion, because all Muslims are imbued with the innate superiority of Islam. It is an us/them world to Muslims. This does not prevent them from being polite, yet I’ll wager the level of politeness at Oxford may not be matched in Lahore.

Is it possible that since Christianity has lost its lure in the West we are looking kindly at a system that seems to provide the structure and strictures we seem to be missing?

This, of course, leads to other questions.

Anna F. writes:

A brief comment on Maureen’s point. For Muslim men, what Maureen describes as THE BIG LIE, is simply not, to them, a lie at all. It is a way of expressing what is, for them, proper and correct. Western-style monogamous “love” does not exist in their way of thinking. They do not expect to be dealing with a mutual partnership and after marriage, however happy, loving and even monogamous the relationship may be, a Muslim man will not easily be heard using the words “us” or “we” when speaking of himself & his spouse.

After all, the Taj Mahal was only for a “favorite” wife.

Maureen is right. Western women would be wise to keep this in mind.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 11, 2007 10:26 AM | Send

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