More on the left’s never-ending waltz with Jew-killers

In early December, according to,
Ségolène Royal, the presidential candidate for France’s opposition Socialist Party, sparked a foreign policy furor on the weekend. During a meeting with a Lebanese MPs in Beirut, Royal had voiced agreement with an MP from the Hezbollah militant movement, Ali Ammar, that U.S. foreign policy smacked of “insanity.” She said she shared his views “on a lot of things, notably his analysis of the role of the United States.” Ammar also compared Israel’s behaviour towards Lebanon with “Nazism.” She said she did not hear Ammar’s “Nazism” comment—“otherwise I would have left the room.”

Mme. Royal was shocked, shocked, to find that Arab smears of Israelis as “Nazis” were going on in that establishment.

- end of initial entry -

Tiberge, the editor of the weblog Galliawatch, writes:

I posted on this in two articles earlier this month. I used French-language articles as my sources. On Royal’s meeting with Hezbollah I used Resiliencetv (a French-Jewish website). On her trip to Israel I quoted the leftist Libération, but pointed out that the paper was laudatory. Your expatica source is an excellent summary of what happened. She became the laughing-stock of the French websites, except for those that are leftist. She is known as a poorly informed, bad-tempered woman. She is no doubt a thoroughpaced socialist but she is so amateurish it’s hard to imagine anyone taking her seriously. After her disaster in the Middle East she postponed her trip to the U.S. She will be coming in January to meet with Hillary!

It is possible that socialist Israel was kind to her because she is a socialist.

If Douste-Blazy blasted her you know she was ridiculous. Douste himself has made outrageous statements—like when he said that “Iran is a source of stability … “

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 20, 2006 01:38 PM | Send

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