Muslims in Oslo raping Norwegian women—just don’t report it in the papers

The Norwegian blogger Fjordman writes at The Brussels Journal that the “reported number of rapes in Oslo is now six—six!—times as high per capita as in New York City.” Further, two-thirds of these rapes are committed by non-Western immigrants, mainly Muslims. Further, this fact is covered up by the Norwegian media, even as they keep warning the Norwegian public against Islamophobia.

This systematic cover-up, in which all the ruling institutions of Norway appear to be cooperating, is the ULTIMATE proof of an argument I’ve made for years. It is that the feminist and liberal desire to open the West to that which will destroy the West trumps not only the belief in female equality, but even the most minimal concern for the welfare and protection of women. The Prime Directive of the Modern West—”Thou shalt not exclude, nor shalt thou discriminate against, nor shalt thou speak any critical truth about nonwhites and non-Westerners”—requires Westerners to accept even the massive rape of their own women at the hands of Muslim immigrants, a requirement the Westerners dutifully and silently embrace.

The lesson here is that even if you don’t give a hang about race, even if you are the most virtuous race-blind liberal in the world and you couldn’t care less whether your society remains white or turns nonwhite, even if you are an anti-white leftist and actively desire that your society turn nonwhite, you cannot solve or even honestly discuss any immigration-related problem, such as the Muslim rape of Norwegian women, unless you are willing to disobey the Prime Directive and say critical things about nonwhites. And you cannot disobey the Prime Directive unless you are prepared to challenge the Supreme Liberal Truth on which it is based: that all humans are basically the same and that any differences between races, ethnicities, and religions have no social importance.

In short, to solve any immigration-related problem, you must believe and be prepared to state that racial and cultural differences exist and that they matter socially. Rather than utter such wicked and horrible things, the majority of Westerners would rather die and let their entire societies die. And so the rapes in Oslo continue.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2006 06:26 PM | Send

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