It’s baack

On same-sex “marriage,” the editors of National Review and I are in complete agreement: the only way to stop same-sex marriage from being instituted in this country is through the Federal Marriage Amendment. This point has been brought back to consciousness and underscored by the New Jersey Supreme Court decision yesterday declaring that same-sex couples must have all the rights and benefits of married couples. As has been correctly pointed out many times and as NR repeats now, once single-sex civil unions are validated, the remaining inferior status of civil unions in relation to marriages (for example, a marriage performed in New Jersey would be recognized in Virginia, but a same-sex civil union would not be), will produce a demand that single-sex couples be allowed to marry so as to assure total equality. The only sure way to stop this inevitable drive to institute the most radical social innovation in human history is through a constitutional amendment.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 26, 2006 12:48 PM | Send

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