Pastor Rice “marries” homosexual couple

President Bush claims to oppose homosexual “marriage” and to support the Federal Marriage Amendment that would ban same-sex marriage in the U.S. The president also famously insists on total loyalty from his subordinates. Yet Vice President Cheney, in an unprecedented development in American history, openly disagrees with the president on this issue, and the president has allowed him to do so, thus demonstrating that his stated opposition to homosexual marriage is a total lie. And this week the woman Bush calls his “genius,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, at the swearing in of Dr. Mark Dybul for the ambassadorial-level post of global AIDS coordinator, at which Mrs. Bush was also present, said this:

I am truly honored and delighted to have the opportunity to swear in Mark Dybul as our next Global AIDS Coordinator. I am pleased to do that in the presence of Mark’s parents, Claire and Richard; his partner, Jason; and his mother-in-law, Marilyn. You have wonderful family to support you, Mark, and I know that’s always important to us. Welcome.

To refer to the mother of Dybul’s homosexual partner as Dybul’s “mother-in-law” was to treat Dybul and his partner as though they were married. But of course they’re not married, nor can they be married in the U.S., at least outside the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. What then did Rice signify when she spoke of the unmarried homosexual couple as though they were married? She signified that she favors homosexual marriage, and believes that in a just society Dybul and his boyfriend would be allowed to marry. Since society has unjustly denied them the right to marry, Rice has constructed a little radical-chic reality of her own, by “marrying” them. In short, Rice has behaved like Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco and like the judges of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, creating, out of her own whim and will, the legal reality that she thinks ought to exist.

In any case, the two senior members of the administration, the vice president and the secretary of state, unabashedly support homosexual marriage and oppose the president’s solemnly stated position on this issue, and they do so with the president’s ok.

Never in U.S. history has a president shoved his bad faith in the face of the people as Bush has done. Bush’s contempt for truth and for his political supporters who rely on his statements knows no bounds and is not concealed. Even Clinton did not tell such in-your-face lies as this, especially on matters of consequence. Compared to Bush, Richard Nixon at his most coldly cynical was an honest and sincere man.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2006 12:44 AM | Send

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