Rice’s revolting suck-up to the Palis

VFR reader Mladen A. writes:

Secretary Rice says that the Palestinian struggle for a state echoes the battle for U.S. independence. One would have thought that there is a moral red line, i.e. denigrating their country’s own history, which American officials would never cross while engaged in brownnosing. There isn’t.

The woman is indeed a walking obscenity, more objectionable than Madeleine Albright, an incredible thing to say, just as her twin brain George W. Bush is a bigger liar than Clinton, also an incredible thing to say. Here is the passage from her talk to a Palestinian group in Washington yesterday:

I know that sometimes a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel must seem like a very distant dream. But I know too, as a student of international history, that there are so many things that once seemed impossible that, after they happened, simply seemed inevitable. I’ve read over the last summer the biographies of America’s Founding Fathers. By all rights, America, the United States of America, should never have come into being. We should never have survived our civil war. I should never have grown up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama to become the Secretary of State of the United States of America.

On first glance, it might appear that the badness of the statement is mitigated slightly by the fact that she is not comparing the Palestinian movement as a whole to the American Founding, but only one aspect of it: just as American independence seemed impossible, then it happened, in the same way a Palestinian state seems impossible, but, she assures us, it will nevertheless happen. Yet on second glance the comment is still sickening. The fact that so many apparent miracles played a role in the creation of the United States, from the escape of Washington’s army from Brooklyn Heights in August 1776, to the forming of the Constitution out of so many seemingly irreconcilable interests, has always been seen by patriotic Americans as a token of America’s specialness and chosenness. But now Rice attributes that same quality of chosenness to a pathological people who celebrate suicide mass killers and who are no more deserving of having a country—and no more capable of running a country—than a band of drug-addled cutthroats in an alleyway.

As Mladen said, there is no limit to how much Rice will downgrade America in order to brownnose Third Worlders.

An element of this is sheer vanity. Notice how Rice always puts herself and her personal racial history front and center in her speeches, ceaselesly reminding foreigners and other people unfriendly to this country about our racial sins of which she, the wonderful Condoleezza, is the cure. By flattering Third-Worlders and denigrating America, she makes herself seem superior to America.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 13, 2006 07:41 PM | Send

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